Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Day 3 - The first real diet day

So after the gluttony of the past 2 days, today was the first real dieting day. And of course, I almost screwed up right away... After my coffee/breakfast, I walked out the house and totally forgot that I was going to be gone from 12 noon until 6:30pm. While driving, I was thinking about what kind of lunch/dinner the diet will have in store for me today. Doh!!! I had to turn around, drive back home and prepare my lunch & snacks for those 6.5 hours! Good thing I did, because once 2pm came round, I was starving!

So here's what I had today:
- 1 large coffee with 1 Tablespoon of Milk and Vanilla-flavored liquid Stevia
- 6 Strawberries (11am)
- 3.5oz of Shrimp and 3.5oz Zucchini, seasoned with salt, pepper and marjoram (2:30pm)
- 6 Strawberries (4pm)
- 3.5oz of Steak and 3.5oz of green salad with balsamic vinegar, salt/pepper (7:30pm)
- about 2 liters (9 cups) of liquid (water mostly)
- and in between the drops (3x10), I tried chewing on some celery sticks, but that was eww..

Seeing it written down here, it doesn't look much. And really, its not.. I'm still pretty hungry! Actually, I'm still starving! I have had a slight headache all day. Not a bad one, but a little constant dull pain. I didn't take any pain killers, but I think I might pop an aspirin now. I wonder why I have this headache, maybe because of the blood sugar thing...

Drinking 2 liters (about 9 cups) of water today was more than I usually drink. I'm bad with consuming enough water and always have been. I think my normal water intake per day isn't more than 4 cups or so (morning coffee included). So I kind of had to force myself to gulp down bottle after bottle of water and I did also use the MIO Water Enhancer to make it taste like Fruit Punch (that stuff has zero calories). And oh boy did all that water make me having to run to the bathroom a lot! I think I must have went pee about 10 times! I literally had to stop every 30 minutes or so...

My conclusion: The first day was pretty tough. Lets see how tomorrow goes. I have a feeling it's going to be even tougher...


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