Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Day 1 & 2 - The "Loading Phase"

So today is the second and final day of the "loading phase". I really like this one, lol! During the first two days of the HCG Diet, the goal is to eat as many high-fat foods as possible, while already taking the drops 3x daily. Reason behind this is so that the cells transports the HCG into your system more easy and it also prepares the body for the extremely low calorie phase 2 and prevents it from going into starvation mode. Ergo - eat all the things I like and eat a lot of it! After all, I wont be getting any of this for the next month or two :)

Since it was Memorial Day yesterday, eating high-fat foods wasn't a problem. My friend Carina baked a German bread yesterday, which we enjoyed with a butter spread. While chilling by the pool in the afternoon, I ate a double chocolate muffin and Milano cookies and  last night we went to Bubba Gump Shrimp and I had shrimp pasta (yum!!). Gosh, I feel terrible writing all this, but that's what the diet tells you to do! I'll probably be craving all of this very soon... Things will be going the other way round after today. But first, I'll have some Kaesespaetzle (German cheese noodle dish) for lunch! LOL!

I got a gift card from Guess for my birthday and decided to hang on to it, until after the diet. No need to buy any clothes right now, when I'm just about to loose weight. And since I think I have enough shoes and purses at this juncture, I'll wait and reward myself with a new outfit after the diet.

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