Monday, June 10, 2013

I LOVE MY BODY (again)!

Week 2 completed! OMG! The visible results from the past 14 days of taking the HCG and being on 500 calories/day are incredible! I feel like a thousand bucks! Seriously.. I am not exaggerating things or acting overexcited - its really happening! I can literally FEEL the fat melting off my body every day and watch myself getting skinnier in the mirror! As for the numbers - here they are:

past week total
Lbs lost 4.5 15.1
Inches lost on Bust 0.5 0.5
Inches lost on Waist 1 1
Inches lost on Hips 0 1
Inches lost on Bicep (left) 0.1 1.8
Inches lost on Bicep (right) 0 2
Inches lost on Thigh (left) 0 0.7
Inches lost on Thigh (right) 0 0.2
Inches lost on Calf (left) 0 0.3
Inches lost on Calf (right) 0 0.4

This past week, I had about 2-3 days where I didn't loose any weight. It just stopped. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday there was nothing happening on the scale. Then on Thursday the weight-loss continued and has been dropping since. 

As for the way I feel - I feel awesome! My self-confidence is coming back and I am starting to love my body again and feeling confident about it. And that feeling reflects in my whole personality and the way I act. On Friday, I wore a pair of shorts (without the usual body forming anti-cellulite tights) and a T-shirt that I haven't worn in about 3 years, because it used to be too small with my belly hanging out at the bottom. I went shopping with my girlfriend, browsing around for party outfits. Since I love wearing corsets and bustiers, I went to a store where I get all those from and grabbed my usual size Large corset to try on. I couldn't believe my eyes when the corset turned out to be too big and I had to go one size down! It was unreal! 

Then on Saturday I decided to wear one of my old corsets aaaaand - I believe, it was the last time I wore it! In a good way! The back was laced up all the way until the two halves met - which means that this corset is also getting too big! Bye bye purple corset (I really liked this one). 

We went out to dinner on Saturday evening, which turned out to be a challenge well accomplished. I managed to sneak in my own dinner that I prepped at home beforehand and ate my Steak & Zucchini, while the others ate their Enchiladas, Tacos and other Mexican delights. Good thing the waiter didn't see it, I don't think you're allowed to bring your own food to a restaurant :) 

Going out clubbing and not being able to drink was the biggest diet challenge I've encountered so far. With everyone around me getting more and more drunk by the hour and me standing around with my water bottle (being the "designated driver" of course), really sucked!!! I was getting annoyed at the end of the night and had a hard time staying positive. But then I kept thinking to myself "Its all worth it, Steffi" and still had a fun night dancing away to the beat :) I think the best thing is to just not go out too much and expose yourself to all the temptations, while being on this diet. 

All in all - I feel amazing and I am very very happy!!! I've lost 15lbs so far and it shows! I have 16 more days to go on the HCG Diet and am planning to loose another 20 lbs. And I know I can do it! 

<a href="">Hyper Smash</a>

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